Where can you find information about Nobel Prize? Who get the Nobel Prize 2008?
The Nobel Prize
Every year since 1901 the Nobel Prize has been awarded for achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and for peace. The Nobel Prize is an international award administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank established The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize. Each prize consists of a medal, personal diploma, and a cash award
The Nobel Prize in 2008"
Go to Encyclopedia online at http://library.spu.ac.th Search for the history of automobiles or computer.Summarize the information you get.
A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a set of instructions.
History of computer
The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613, referring to a person who carried out calculations, or computations, and the word continued to be used in that sense until the middle of the 20th century. From the end of the 19th century onwards though, the word began to take on its more familiar meaning, describing a machine that carries out computations.
An automobile, motor car or car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting passengers, which also carries its own engine or motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people, to typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally for the transport of people rather than goods.[1] However, the term automobile is far from precise, because there are many types of vehicles that do similar tasks
History of Automobile
Ferdinand Verbiest, a member of a Jesuit mission in China, built the first steam-powered vehicle around 1672 which was of small scale and designed as a toy for the Chinese Emperor, that was unable to carry a driver or a passenger, but quite possibly, was the first working steam-powered vehicle ('auto-mobile').
What is the difference between general book and reference book?
A reference work is a compendium of information, usually of a specific type, compiled in a book for ease of reference. That is, the information is intended to be quickly found when needed. Reference works are usually referred to for particular pieces of information, rather than read cover to cover.
Almanac - a tabulation of information in specific fields, often by date
Atlas - a set of maps, often of geographical locations
Book by category - books listed in their category
Citation index - lists which publications cite other publications
Concordance - a list of every word in a book, and where it is used in that book
Dictionary or Lexicon (the latter generally provides more grammatical analysis) - an alphabetical listing of words and their definitions
Directory - a list of references, used for ease of locating their subject
Encyclopedia - a comprehensive compendium
Gazetteer - a geographical dictionary
Grammar - a book in which aspects of the grammar of a language can be looked up
Handbook - a manual which summarizes a subject
Mathematical tables - a tabulation of mathematical results
Pharmacopoeia - is a book containing pharmaceutical drug specifications.
Periodical index - a list of topics for a periodical publication, organized by date
Scientific tables - a tabulation of scientific results
Telephone directory - a book with residence and business listings
Thesaurus - a list of words with similar, related, or opposite meanings
Book is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of paper, parchment, or other material, usually fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is called a leaf, and each side of a leaf is called a page. A book produced in electronic format is known as an e-book.
Books may also refer to a literature work, or a main division of such a work. In library and information science, a book is called a monograph, to distinguish it from serial periodicals such as magazines, journals or newspapers. The body of all written works including books is literature.
When do you need to search information from the reference collection?
when you would like more information used to find the meaning of words and find a summary subject
What type of reference collection that you like to use most?And why?
A dictionary because a collection of words in a specific language often listed , other information or a book of words in one language with their equivalents in another, also known as a lexicon it contains data that have been selected for the purpose of fulfilling structures link and establish relationships between the data so that they can meet the needs of users and fulfil the functions of the dictionary.
วันศุกร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552
วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552
real world 2
what is information literacy skill?
whan you have topic interset. you will to read it and try to understant if you don't understant you will find more information in another source if you have more knowledge you can to writeing quality of information to new book and also your book can to make another people will understand and the pelpoe can change information in your book to another book also.
skill of reading and writeing are can be to help you for understant topic you have interest to read.
what is SQRW?
when you have interant some topic but you can not understant it you will be:
Survey : is a tool of seek information. informatoin in this world have a lot of way to seek someway you can ask another people who have more information or you can sreach with another equipment like a Internet,Books,pleac of more information.
Question : you will use information make it have interant and importact by focus this topic you have interact and the word ou have interact and don't understant.you will to find in more
Read : reading the information question and answer and ask yourself you understant it
Write : writeing you question and answer and make sure it is real word and real asnwer
SQRW is Four step strategy for to help you understant information you have interant
Usa Big 6 skill (step 1-6 ) of the topic you know best?
Task Definition
The World of Art
Information Seeking Strategies
The keyworde you can use
* The world of Art * Commercial Art
* Pre-historic Art * Applied Art
* Contemporary Art * Aesthetics Art
Location and Access
* Art http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art
*The world of Art http://www.theartgallery.com.au/
* Pre-historic Art http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistoric_art
* Contemporary Art http://www.mcachicago.org/
* Commercial Art http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contemporary_art
* Applied Art http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Applied_art
* Aesthetics Art http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aesthetics
Art Gally
* Akko Art Gallery Bangkok http://www.akkoart.com/ 02-259 1436 02-259 1436
*The Pikture Gallery http://www.thepikturegallery.com/ 02-662 8359
*Global Art & Creative ศูนย์สะพานพุทธฯ (โรงเรียนซางตาครู้ส) http://www.globalart.co.th/ 02-472 5559 02-472 5559
*ทวิบู แกลเลอรี่ http://www.thavibu.com/ 02-266 5454 02-266 5454
* Rainbow Art Co.Ltd. http://www.bead2u.com/ 081-4016383 081-4016383
*Gossip Gallery http://www.gossipgallerybkk72.com/ 02-237 5568 02-237 5568
*Global Art & Creative ศูนย์พระราม3 (ฟิวเจอร์มาร์ท) http://www.globalart.co.th/ 02-689 0884 02-689 0884
*On Art http://www.onartgroup.com/ 02-6293450 02-6293450
Use of Informaton
Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, sculpture, and paintings. The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics.
The most common usage of the word "art," which rose to prominence after 1750, is understood to denote skill used to produce an aesthetic result.
The first and broadest sense of art is the one that has remained closest to the older Latin meaning, which roughly translates to "skill" or "craft," and also from an Indo-European root meaning "arrangement" or "to arrange". In this sense, art is whatever is described as having undergone a deliberate process of arrangement by an agent. A few examples where this meaning proves very broad include artifact, artificial, artifice, artillery, medical arts, and military arts. However, there are many other colloquial uses of the word, all with some relation to its etymology.
The second and more recent sense of the word art is as an abbreviation for creative art or fine art. Fine art means that a skill is being used to express the artist’s creativity, or to engage the audience’s aesthetic sensibilities, or to draw the audience towards consideration of the finer things. Often, if the skill is being used in a common or practical way, people will consider it a craft instead of art. Likewise, if the skill is being used in a commercial or industrial way.
Art is something that stimulates an individual's thoughts, emotions, beliefs, or ideas through the senses. It is also an expression of an idea and it can take many different forms and serve many different purposes. Although the application of scientific theories to derive a new scientific theory involves skill and results in the "creation" of something new, this represents science only and is not categorized as art.
whan you have topic interset. you will to read it and try to understant if you don't understant you will find more information in another source if you have more knowledge you can to writeing quality of information to new book and also your book can to make another people will understand and the pelpoe can change information in your book to another book also.
skill of reading and writeing are can be to help you for understant topic you have interest to read.
what is SQRW?
when you have interant some topic but you can not understant it you will be:
Survey : is a tool of seek information. informatoin in this world have a lot of way to seek someway you can ask another people who have more information or you can sreach with another equipment like a Internet,Books,pleac of more information.
Question : you will use information make it have interant and importact by focus this topic you have interact and the word ou have interact and don't understant.you will to find in more
Read : reading the information question and answer and ask yourself you understant it
Write : writeing you question and answer and make sure it is real word and real asnwer
SQRW is Four step strategy for to help you understant information you have interant
Usa Big 6 skill (step 1-6 ) of the topic you know best?
Task Definition
The World of Art
Information Seeking Strategies
The keyworde you can use
* The world of Art * Commercial Art
* Pre-historic Art * Applied Art
* Contemporary Art * Aesthetics Art
Location and Access
* Art http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art
*The world of Art http://www.theartgallery.com.au/
* Pre-historic Art http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistoric_art
* Contemporary Art http://www.mcachicago.org/
* Commercial Art http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contemporary_art
* Applied Art http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Applied_art
* Aesthetics Art http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aesthetics
Art Gally
* Akko Art Gallery Bangkok http://www.akkoart.com/ 02-259 1436 02-259 1436
*The Pikture Gallery http://www.thepikturegallery.com/ 02-662 8359
*Global Art & Creative ศูนย์สะพานพุทธฯ (โรงเรียนซางตาครู้ส) http://www.globalart.co.th/ 02-472 5559 02-472 5559
*ทวิบู แกลเลอรี่ http://www.thavibu.com/ 02-266 5454 02-266 5454
* Rainbow Art Co.Ltd. http://www.bead2u.com/ 081-4016383 081-4016383
*Gossip Gallery http://www.gossipgallerybkk72.com/ 02-237 5568 02-237 5568
*Global Art & Creative ศูนย์พระราม3 (ฟิวเจอร์มาร์ท) http://www.globalart.co.th/ 02-689 0884 02-689 0884
*On Art http://www.onartgroup.com/ 02-6293450 02-6293450
Use of Informaton
Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, sculpture, and paintings. The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics.
The most common usage of the word "art," which rose to prominence after 1750, is understood to denote skill used to produce an aesthetic result.
The first and broadest sense of art is the one that has remained closest to the older Latin meaning, which roughly translates to "skill" or "craft," and also from an Indo-European root meaning "arrangement" or "to arrange". In this sense, art is whatever is described as having undergone a deliberate process of arrangement by an agent. A few examples where this meaning proves very broad include artifact, artificial, artifice, artillery, medical arts, and military arts. However, there are many other colloquial uses of the word, all with some relation to its etymology.
The second and more recent sense of the word art is as an abbreviation for creative art or fine art. Fine art means that a skill is being used to express the artist’s creativity, or to engage the audience’s aesthetic sensibilities, or to draw the audience towards consideration of the finer things. Often, if the skill is being used in a common or practical way, people will consider it a craft instead of art. Likewise, if the skill is being used in a commercial or industrial way.
Art is something that stimulates an individual's thoughts, emotions, beliefs, or ideas through the senses. It is also an expression of an idea and it can take many different forms and serve many different purposes. Although the application of scientific theories to derive a new scientific theory involves skill and results in the "creation" of something new, this represents science only and is not categorized as art.
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